The Greenane Centre, Greenane. Tipperary Town, E34 CX13

Diploma in Integrative Adolescent Psychotherapy

September 2025

Delivered via Blended Learning

Full Fee: €2,650 

€550 Deposit on registration
€300 monthly for 7 months

training for counselors

Adolescent Psychotherapy

Adolescent Psychotherapy is an expanding and specialist area of practice. In ensuring principles of best practices when working with this client group therapists need to possess the appropriate knowledge, skills and competencies in order to ensure they are working ethically, professionally and effectively with this population group.


Diploma in Integrative Adolescent Psychotherapy

This Diploma In Integrative Adolescent Psychotherapy has been developed in response to the ever growing demand for competent and appropriately trained adolescent counsellors and psychotherapists. The diploma addresses and incorporates the core competencies for working therapeutically with adolescents as set out in IACP’s “Standards for Working with Under 18’s” document. It is CPD Recognised and Approved by The Irish Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy and awarded 143 IACP CPD Points.

Delivered by a team of highly experienced and accredited therapists who have expertise in Adolescent Psychotherapy.

This programme will be delivered through a Blended Learning format.

Programme Modules & Timetable


Tuesday 23rd September 2025.
7:30pm – 9:30 on Zoom

Facilitator: Liz Quish – Programme Director

Saturday 27th September 2025,
Sunday  28th September 2025.                      

10am – 5pm on Zoom

Facilitator: Dr. Alvina Grosu

Saturday 18th October 2025.
10am – 5pm on Zoom.

Facilitator: Dr. Alvina Grosu

Sunday 19th October 2025.
10am – 5pm on Zoom.
Facilitator: Dr. Alvina Grosu
Saturday 15th November 2025.

10am – 5pm on Zoom.

Facilitator: Dr. Alvina Grosu

Sunday 16th November 2025.

10am – 5pm on Zoom.

Facilitator: Dr. Alvina Grosu

Saturday 6th December 2025.

10am – 5pm on Zoom.

Facilitator: Dr. Alvina Grosu

Saturday 10th January 2026 (Group 1),
Sunday 11th January 2026 (Group 2).
10am – 5pm at The Greenane Centre, E34 CX13

Facilitator: Anna Coonan

Saturday 7th February 2026.

10am – 5pm on Zoom.

Facilitator: Margaret O’Brien

Friday 13th March 2026.
10am – 5pm on Zoom.
Facilitator: Liz Quish

Saturday 11th April 2026,
Sunday 12th April 2026.
10am – 5pm on Zoom.

Facilitator: Beverley Cummins

Saturday 16th May 2026,
Sunday 17th May 2026.
10am – 5pm on Zoom.
Facilitator: Brian Foley – MI Ireland

Saturday 13th June 2026,
Sunday 14th June 2026.
10am – 5pm on Zoom.

Facilitator: Kati Simpson

Wednesday 15th July 2026,
Thursday 16th July 2026,
Thursday 13th August 2026,
Friday 14th August 2026.

10am – 5pm on Zoom.

Facilitator: Patricia Allen-Garrett

Saturday 26th September 2026 (Group 1),
Sunday 27th September 2026 (Group 2).
10am – 5pm on Zoom.

Facilitator: Joanne O’Dwyer

Saturday 17th October 2026 (Group 1),
Sunday 18th October 2026 (Group 2).

10am – 5pm at The Greenane Centre, E34 CX13.

Facilitator: Joanne O’Dwyer

Saturday 14th November 2026.
10am – 5pm on Zoom.
Facilitator: Elaine Fagan

Friday 4th December 2026 (Group 1),
Friday 11th December 2026 (Group 2).
10am – 5pm at The Greenane Centre, E34 CX13.

Facilitator: Liz Quish

Tuesday 15th December 2026.

7:30pm – 9:30pm on Zoom.

Facilitator: Liz Quish – Programme Director


Participants are expected to attend an online tutorial on Zoom.
You will be assigned to either Group 1 or Group 2 on registration.

Tuesday 10th February 2026 (Group 1),
Wednesday 11th February 2026 (Group 2).

7:30pm – 9:30 on Zoom.

Facilitator: Liz Quish – Programme Director

Learning Outcomes

Participants who complete this diploma will:

  • Become proficient in working integratively with adolescents in a manner appropriate to their level of need, ability, developmental level and social context.
  • Acquire a clear understanding and appreciation of the legal and ethical issues specific to adolescent psychotherapy.
  • Examine and evaluate theories of adolescent development across all developmental domains.
  • Become cognisant and competent in implementing a systemic approach to adolescent psychotherapy facilitating the building of a therapeutic alliance with both adolescent and parents.
  • Understand and appreciate the complex nature of developmental trauma and associated defence mechanisms in the adolescent years and the importance of utilising a bottom up approach in therapy.
  • Gain a sound understanding and proficiency in utilising creative mediums with adolescent clients.
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge and develop the necessary skills to effectively utilise a range of empirically validated psychotherapy modalities in an integrative manner.

Programme Structure

Entry Requirement:

This CPD Diploma is open to practitioners who have completed or are currently undertaking a Degree or Diploma in Counselling/ Psychotherapy.
This programme may also be of interest to Play Therapists, Art Therapists, Drama and Music Therapists who have appropriate experience and accreditation and are seeking to expand their skill set to work therapeutically with Adolescents.

Clinical Practice:

Participants much complete 35 hours of one-to-one client work with adolescents. Participants must also complete 7 hours of one-to-one clinical supervision with an accredited supervisor who has expertise in working therapeutically with adolescent clients.

Teaching Methods:

This Programme will be delivered through a blended learning format with 3 days facilitated through class-based learning at The Greenane Centre, Tipperary, and the remaining modules delivered via Zoom.


  • 2 Reflective Learning Journals (1500 words each)
  • Book Review (1500 words)
  • Supervisors Report

Terms & Conditions:

Please read our Terms and Conditions document carefully. You will be required to indicate your agreement on the programme application form

Programme Fees

Full Fee: €2,650

  • €550 due on registration
  • €300 monthly for the following 7 months, automatically debited to payment card.
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